My Top 5 Supplements

Clodagh Mckenna | Longer Read


Taking supplements has become ever so popular and it’s not surprising as our lives have become busier. Supplements provide us with an easy option to ensure that we’re giving our bodies the nutrients they need to function properly. But with the vast amount of supplements to choose from today it can be completely overwhelming knowing where to start!

To help you out, I’ve compiled a list of my top five supplements that I swear by. Almost everyone can take these to improve health. However, it’s still a good idea to check with a healthcare professional before taking any supplements to make sure you’re taking the right supplements at the right dosage.

Cold Pressed Omega Fish OIls 

Omega 3 is such an amazing nutrient when it comes to supporting your overall health and wellbeing, helping to maintain a number of crucial bodily functions. That’s why today I’ll be giving omega 3 the attention it deserves. 

Benefits of Omega 3 

  • For eye health: a type of omega 3 fatty acid is a key component of your retina so, if you’re not getting the right intake of omega 3, it may have an effect on your vision

  • For muscle and joint health: The anti-inflammatory properties of omega 3 can do wonders when it comes to your muscles and joints. It can help maintain mobility, especially as you get older.

  • For sleep: Who doesn’t want a good night's sleep? Omega-3 helps the body make substances involved with helping you fall asleep, such as the hormone melatonin. 

  • For skin: Its anti-inflammatory properties can minimise swelling and, as inflammation can be a trigger for conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis, it’s believed that omega 3 can play a role in reducing the severity of these conditions.

  • For memory: Do you ever go into a room only to realise you’ve completely forgot what you’ve gone in there for? Research shows taking fish oil supplements for six months can sharpen your memory.


Turmeric is well known as a bright yellow spice that was originally used in Indian cuisine. Did you know that it's been used for centuries to help keep the skin pure, the blood clean and the life long?

Benefits of taking Turmeric

  • For Pain: Turmeric has an impact upon certain pain receptors within the body; it has been demonstrated as being effective for menstrual cramping.

  • It contains antioxidants, which have the ability to repair any existing damage from environmental carcinogens.

  • For the heart: It is believed to improve blood flow to the heart and also to reduce the risk of build up in the arteries.

  • For digestion: Turmeric helps to keep levels of bacteria balanced. I’m all about having good gut health.

Vitamin D3 

Living in the United Kingdom we don’t get our fair share of sunshine, so topping up on vitamin D via supplements I believe is the way to go! The NHS recommends that everyone over the age of four, from October to April, should take vitamin D3 every day. 

Benefits of Vitamin D3

  • For the immune system: Vitamin D3 reduces the likelihood of catching a cold as it supercharges the immune system.

  • For the mind: It is believed to to support brain, and nervous system health

  • For bones and teeth: Vitamin D plays a significant role in the regulation of calcium which is vital for maintaining healthy bones and teeth.


Magnesium plays a critical role in many functions in the body, including nerve transmission, muscle contraction, energy production, bone and cell production. 

Benefits of Magnesium

  • For stress reduction: If you’re struggling with stress, mood, or sleep issues, magnesium is said to help calm nerves and reduce anxiety.

  • For headaches: Not having the right amount of magnesium can affect neurotransmitters and restrict blood vessel constriction, these are factors doctors link to migraines.

  • For the heart: It has been suggested that low levels of magnesium have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

Evening Primrose Oil

While overall studies are undecided about what exactly Evening Primrose Oil does, there is a growing body of evidence that proposes a wealth of benefits. I recommend this to everyone! 

Benefits of Primrose Oil

  • For skin: There is thought to be a plethora of skin benefits including the treatment of dry skin conditions and acne along with improving the skin’s elasticity, firmness, moisture, fatigue resistance and roughness. (Hello Glow)

  • For PMS: It has been suggested that evening primrose oil can reduce the severity of breast tenderness as well as easing symptoms like bloating and low moods.

  • For hair: When my main needs a little extra “oomph” this is what I turn to. It has been known to boost hair growth potential.

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