Growing Your Own Herbs

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Growing Your Own Herbs

Like exercising, growing your own herbs is one of those things that you will never regret!  Not only will they make your meals tastier, they also smell and look so beautiful growing in your house or garden.

I’ve found herbs such as basil, oregano, tarragon, thyme, chives, mint and rosemary really easy to grow.  Their fresh, tasty leaves flavour soups, stews, casseroles and salads, as well as desserts and cocktails.

Most herbs really thrive in full sun and in a sheltered position.   So you can grow herbs indoors on the windowsill, in pots outdoors or straight into the ground.  You can plant perennial herbs such as oregano, rosemary, thyme, tarragon chives and mint in pots or in the ground and harvest the leaves as and when you need them.  I could not urge you more to try it.  Fresh herbs really are the super charged flavour your home cooked dishes deserve.

I also love to bunch them together and tie them up in twine to hang on a wall in my kitchen - they look so beautiful and once they have dried out I chop them up and store them in a glass jar to season meats, vegetables and fish. 

Watch how to start growing herbs

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