5 Things That Will Help You Sleep Better At Night

Clodagh Mckenna | Short Read

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5 Things That Will Help You Sleep Better At Night


I recently discovered sleep stories on the Calm app, and it has helped me so much on those nights when I wake up worrying or when I need a little help to forget about the day I just had. The soothing voice of Mathew McConaughey, Stephen Fry or Joanna Lumley reading you a calming sleep story while you are tucked up in bed – yes, it’s blissful and more importantly it will bring you into a deep calm sleep 


During the day make time to go for a brisk walk. Going for a brisk daily walk won't just trim you down, it will also keep you up less often at night. Exercise boosts the effect of natural sleep hormones such as melatonin. 


Create a routine to get yourself into the frame of mind for sleep. A warm bath or shower with relaxing oils, light a relaxing smelly candle in your room 30 minutes before you tuck into bed, and make yourself a cup of herbal tea. A comforting bed time ritual like when we were children will help lull you off to sleep.


Make the bedroom as dark as possible and avoid any blue light (i.e. TVs and phones). For those of you that have curtains that still leave the light in, you can easily sort this by getting your curtains blackened – it’s a layer of fabric that keeps light out. 


Before you leave your bedroom for the day, open the windows to allow fresh air to circulate. This also helps keep the temperature of the room cool for when you tuck in at night, and why is this important? Your body temperature needs to drop to induce sleep

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