Ways You Can Start Living A More Sustainable Lifestyle Today

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6 Ways You Can Start Living A More Sustainable Lifestyle Today

Everything we do in our day-to-day life has an impact on the planet, from the food we eat to the amount of plastic we use. We all want to do our bit to lessen our environmental impact but where do we start? Here’s six easy things you can start doing today to begin your more sustainable journey:

1. Save Energy - reducing your use of energy, you can help to reduce carbon emissions. Switch off standby appliances, turning your heating down and hanging clothes to dry instead of using a tumble drier. 

2. Less Plastic - when buying vegetables and fruit in supermarkets always choose the produce that are loose and don’t have plastic wrapping. I always bring extra cloth bags for this.

3. Reduce Food Waste - if you have leftovers, don’t throw them away, try and be a bit creative on how you can use them the following day or just freeze them. However, if they do go off, use them to create compost for you garden. Read here about my wormeries

4. Lemon Heaven - Use your leftover used lemons to clean your dishwasher, slot the lemon into a peg on the top drawer of the dishwasher. Glasses come out shiny and the dishwasher is degreased

5. Coffee Grinds - don’t throw out your used coffee grinds, instead use them as compost. Read how you can do this here

6. Instead of using firelighters that have Kerosene in them, use leftover stubs of candles, pine cones, dried citrus peel (lemons, limes and oranges) - wrap them up in leftover paper and light. Works brilliantly!

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