Age Concern Hampshire Patron

I'm deeply honored to announce that I am now serving as the official Patron of Age Concern Hampshire. Recently, I had the privilege of visiting the Frogmore Day Care Center, a local facility that holds significant importance to me as a Hampshire resident. Witnessing firsthand the invaluable work this charity does for the elderly in our community has only strengthened my commitment to their cause.

Age Concern Hampshire relies heavily on the support of volunteers, who play a crucial role in their operations. If you reside in Hampshire and are able to spare even just one or two hours of your time each week, your contribution would be greatly appreciated. Your assistance could make a world of difference in the lives of our elderly population.

For more information on how you can become a volunteer, please reach out to

Thank you to Age Concern Hampshire for entrusting me with this role. I pledge to do my utmost to serve as the best Patron I can be.


CharityClodagh McKenna